President's Notes:
Hello All,
We have outlined some excellent upcoming events for you - focusing on Conferences:Do drop us a line , if you wish to help-out with our Celebration events.
- Enterprise Architecture Symposium - March 29-30, 2010
- IT 360, our favourite IT Show, April 7, 2010
- SIP 13th Anniversary Celebrations on April 7, 2010 and The Future of e-Publishing & e-Reading Panel Discussion
Max Haroon,
President, Society of Internet Professionals, SIP
Join us for Canada's Premier Enterprise Architecture Symposium!
A premier Symposium for senior level Enterprise Architecture of all stripes to share knowledge, experiences, strategies and best practices covering the Spectrum from Strategy through to Execution. Seize this excellent opportunity to learn how to apply the latest EA Tools and Techniques to help your organization achieve the ultimate goal of successful initiatives, while earning up to 14 PDU's!
Keynote Speakers:
Scott W. Ambler (IBM)
Rob Meikle (CIO, City of Brampton)
Huw Morgan (Head of Architecture, City of Toronto)
Date and Location:
March 29-30th, 1 King West Hotel and Residence, Toronto ON, Canada
Details & Registration:
Registration for SIP members is $796 (20% discount) with Priority Registration Code - G5114
We look forward to your participation!
EA Symposium on Twitter: @easymposium
IT 360 Conference & Expo: April 7, 2010
Join 1000+ IT professionals and executives and share experiences and challenges at our favourite show & conference, where we also have a booth.
Fourth IT360° Conference & Expo is co-located with Cloud Computing conference and Asterisk & Open Telephony conference.
A Full Circle day including Trade Show, Visionary Keynotes, live demonstrations and feature presentations all under one roof at the Metro Convention Center, Toronto.
Register for the show at no charge, using SIP promo code TS1.
Conference Super Pass Includes:
- IT360, Cloud Computing and Asterisk & Open Telephony Conferences & keynotes
- Proceedings for all three conferences
- Feature Presentations
- LPI Certification
- BSD Certification
For Details & Registration visit: http://www.it360.ca/
Will you like to Learn the Art of Networking?
Join our dedicated team of volunteers to help us staff the booth (2 hours) and a Panel Discussion on e-Publishing (one hour in the evening). Tickets to the Show & key notes and SIP membership will be provided.
Interested? Join us for the IT 360 Show & Panel discussion planning meeting on March 12 at 5:30 pm, help raise your profile and give back to the community, please RSVP and we will send you the detail of this meeting
Network with professionals, make some new friends, have some fun mingling and learning from industry experts, simply by helping us celebrate the 13th Anniversary of SIP!
Future of e-Publishing & e-Reading
As part of our 13th Anniversary Celebrations, The Society of Internet Professionals (SIP) is hosting a panel discussion at the Metro Convention Centre ( South Building, Room 715A ) on April 7 at 5:30 pm.
The digital publishing is changing the model for printing, distributing and selling of a book and on its way by passing many middle businesses. The book is no longer a physical entity and an e-author can publish the book him or herself, and sells directly to the consumers. The process has also created new vistas - eBook readers, self-publishing houses, e-authors, e-books.
If you know of any speaker on the subject or any organization to sponsor the event then please let us know.
Early Bird Registration and No Charge SIP Membership Offer:
You pay only $10 now ($25 at the door), RSVP from meetup.com as part of our social media networking site (take advantage of posting your profile).
You will also get an invitation to join SIP at no charge .
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