Join the Society of Internet Professionals' (SIP) educational networking event with your friends on Friday, April 20 at the Toronto City Hall. Interact with your peers and corporate sponsors. Boost your professional success and learn how to flash your digital image.
Dusting Your Digital Dirt
How To Manage Your Reputation Online
What happens when you Google yourself? Are you top of the list with glowing citations? Or is your "digital dust" holding you back? Learn how to spruce up your identity - the one that others can see online. If you're seeking to improve your image or boost your pubic presence, you can no longer afford to leave things to chance.
Find out how to use and leverage various Websites, social networking portals and related tools to manage your online reputation.
Mark Swartz, MBA, M.Ed., is a leading Canadian career and worklife specialist. His advice is read by millions as the Career Advisor. Mark has written a number of books including the best-seller “Get Wired, You're Hired”. He has had his own columns in the Toronto Star's Careers section and on He brings with him a lively blend of practical advice, humour, and audience interaction. Visit his site for more than 100 free career articles at
Friday, April 20, 2007
6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Toronto City Hall, Committee Room # 3
100 Queen Street, Toronto, ON
No charge but pre-registration is required.
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Montgomery Benz is a premier recruitment firm focusing on the specialized fields of
Information Systems Security, including DRP, BCP, Governance, Privacy, Threat Risk Assessment and IT audit.
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Managing your reputation online articles:
How to ‘get found’ on the Web
FRAMINGHAM - If someone searches for you on the Web and comes up empty-handed, do you exist?
By: Mary Brandel
Computerworld (US)
26 Mar 2007
Here are some tips from the article to make yourself more findable on the Web.
1. Know where people look
Google and Yahoo, MSN Search or, Technorati, Daypop or Blogdigger, MySpace, YouTube or Flickr, or
2. Start a blog
technology-oriented blog such as or
3. Join the open-source code community
getting credit for it on a site such as
4. Build a Web page
5. Create a Web profile
Some, such as Naymz, Ziggs, and, allow you to create an online identity
6. Sidebar: Be careful out there!
One-in-Four Hiring Managers Have Used Internet Search Engines to Screen Job Candidates; One-in-Ten Have Used Social Networking Sites, Survey Finds>
"Hiring managers said the following information discovered on the Web helped to confirm their decision to hire a candidate:
* 64% - candidate’s background information supported their professional qualifications for the job
* 40% - candidate was well-rounded, showed a wide range of interests
* 34% - candidate had great communication skills
* 31% - candidate’s site conveyed a professional image
* 31% - got a good feel for the candidate’s personality, could see a good fit within the company culture
* 23% - other people posted great references about the candidate
* 23% - candidate was creative
* 19% - candidate received awards and accolades
Haefner recommends workers keep these tips in mind to safeguard their online persona:
1. Be careful. Don't post anything on your site or your “Friends” sites you wouldn't want a prospective employer to see. Derogatory comments, revealing or risqué photos, foul language and lewd jokes all will be viewed as a reflection of your character.
2. Be discreet. If your network offers the option, consider setting your profile to "private," so that it is viewable only by friends of your choosing. And since you can't control what other people say on your site, you may want to use the “block comments” feature. Remember, everything on the Internet is archived, and there is no eraser!
3. Be prepared. Check your profile regularly to see what comments have been posted. Use a search engine to look for online records of yourself to see what is out there about you. If you find information you feel could be detrimental to your candidacy or career, see about getting it removed -- and make sure you have an answer ready to counter or explain “digital dirt.”
Dusting Your Digital Dirt
Your Online Web Pages Could Cost You a Chance at a Job
by Tory Johnson
ABC News March 16, 2006
To connect directly with Tory Johnson or for other information on career advancement, visit
My two cents: publishing and syndicating your content on the sip's blog is one of the best online marketing tools for better search engine visibility.
Thank you for sharing these links!
I would like to share with you some of the feedback I've received so far.
"Hi Max,
It was great to see you again this past Friday evening. Congratulations on arranging such a well-attended meeting. I had a wonderful time getting to know your group and helping them to share ideas.
I have to say that I was delighted by how helpful and approachable everyone was.
From Olga giving me a "movie star greeting," to the engaging introduction Jeanette provided for me, and into the discussions I had with several audience members, you folks made me feel right at home. Laura's enthusiasm and professionalism was a welcome addition to the evening as well. All of this reflects positively on your organizing efforts, Max.
Thanks for inviting me in for the talk. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Best regards,
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