Wednesday, September 26, 2007

YWD: Successful Website Without Web Programmers

SIP's Meeting: Successful Website is Simple WebsiteA Successful Website is a Simple Website
e-Flyer SIP's Meeting September 26, 2007

Join the Society of Internet Professionals' (SIP) educational networking event with your friends on Wednesday, September 26 at the Holiday Inn on King.
Interact with your peers and corporate sponsors.
Drive your business to the next professional level and learn how to take control of your on-demand website without programming.

A Successful Website is a Simple Website
Back to Basics to Achieve your Goals
[Imagine... life without web programmers!]

In the face of the complexity of social networking sites, multi-media and blogging this presentation will take you back to basics – what are you trying to achieve with your web presence.
Paul Chato, will deconstruct structure and the components of a small website. This presentation will equally benefit existing websites owners and those who are thinking about creating a web presence.

Paul Chato, graduate of Ryerson Polytechnical University, went on to become an art director with Kelly's Stereo Mart and from there helped found the legendary Frantics Comedy Troupe. After a stint as head of TV Comedy at CBC, Paul started Electramedia in the early 90's, an international web development company and now also heads a new company, Your Web Department.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007: 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm

Holiday Inn on King, CarrerDoor HiTech Career Fair (King Room)
370 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5V 1J9

$0 (No charge) but pre-registration is required.
Send an email to


Your Web Department logo
Your Web Department: Service provider of online website creation and content management without any programming experience.

Your Web Department Homepage Screenshot ImageYour Web Department Homepage Screenshot Image
Credit: Your Web Department™


CareerDoor HiTech Career Fairs

TorWUG: Toronto Wireless User Group

AIC: Association of Independent Consultants

CTN: Computer Trainers Network

Join as our guest with your friends. Network with your peers and corporate sponsors.

Members Online Directory
The Society of Internet Professionals (SIP) is launching a new website: Directory of Members. Each SIP's member will be provided with their own profile-website under this portal, which they can maintain (another, no charge membership benefit). Ask for the details.


Paul Chato's official personal website

Paul Chato in the Information Architecture Class
"...Paul was a great guest speaker who really jazzed up the class... "
by Keith Schengili-Roberts
Monday, April 19, 2004

YourWebDepartment | Blog

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