Thursday, December 15, 2005

Energized by Bright Pearl

Front Row: Olga Goubar, Anna Rabin, Max Haroon, A.J. Parl, Martina Ernst
Back Row: Jonathan Kean, Bob Skakie, Duke Duyck and Frank Edwards

Energizing by New Ideas

Members and friends of the Society of Internet Professionals had a lovely dinner and a good time at Bright Pearl Seafood Restaurant on December 5.

Our thanks to Laura Tyson for organizing this wonderful event.

It was nice to see some new, some old and some faded faces.

See the photos at:

Do not forget to look at photos of the grand event we had on November 21

Credits: Max Haroon

Let Us Network is a network of contacts
which may open necessary doors for you.

And it is just to help you with finding friends
- people from all over the world
who share your interests and your goals.


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